Comic comedy in three act.
The text of the comedy aims to communicate current issues such as those of scams by unsuspected people who with dialectics and the compliance of "friends", try in every way to cheat anyone, in the certainty of always being able to get away with it, but reality in the end will show the exact opposite.
At the end of the story there will also be a decidedly surprise ending, with an unexpected reversal of roles. The apparently foolish and easily exploited character will take his revenge and demonstrate that wit and genius can be hidden much better behind an apparently dumb and harmless face. And all this to demonstrate how one should never underestimate one's neighbor and how wrong it is to have too much consideration of oneself, because the smartest person who can cheat may be just around the corner.
Unfortunately it will also be deduced that in everyday life, justice does not always triumph and that certain criminals manage not to pay completely for their misdeeds.