Comic comedy in three acts
The story told in this comedy involves two pairs of self-styled friends who will try in every way not to reveal a thorny story that involved them thirty years earlier.
Gabriel and David, in fact, at the time, had exchanged their respective wives, one with the intent of a simple escapade and the other out of spite for the wrong suffered. Once back together with their wives, however, they had to realize that their ménage had had two consequences: one named Roberta and the other named Omar. To see their natural children grow up they had chosen to live close together and take care of each other's child. For years there had been sparks of poison between the wives of the two and when the four must be united to prevent the sons from discovering the truth, what will happen? Despite the various expedients that couples will resort to mislead their now suspicious children, they will have to deal with the wit of those concerned and with fate. Eventually the skeleton in the closet will be discovered and not without consequences!